The clash between ICC and African Union on justice in Africa? – Donald Deya

Donald Deya is the Chief Executive Officer of the Pan African Lawyers Union, (PALU) based in Arusha,Tanzania. He was previously Chief Executive of the East Africa Law Society (EALS) and, before that, Acting CEO of the Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ-Kenya), and Deputy CEO of the Law Society of Kenya (LSK).

He has keen interest in – and has researched, spoken and written on – continental and regional integration; constitutionalism; democracy and good governance; the just rule of law and the promotion and protection of human rights and access to justice; HIV, Human Rights and Legislation; the interface between law, human rights and information and communications technologies (ICTs); and, lately, on international criminal justice in Africa.

He is also the Councillor, African Forum of the International Bar Association (AfrIBA); former Secretary of AfrIBA Executive Committee Member, the International Institute of Law Association Chief Executives (IILACE); formerly a Member of its Programme Committee. Don is also a member of the International Bar Association (IBA); International Law Association (ILA); Society for International Development (SID); Commonwealth Lawyers’ Association (CLA); International Commission of Jurists (ICJ); East Africa Law Society (EALS); Southern African Development Community Lawyers’ Association (SADC LA); Law Society of Kenya (LSK); and several other non-profits.
